CCC Draft LTP 2024-34 Workshops

1. 22.05.24 – Council – Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshop
2. Q & A’s from Councillor Kelly Barber to John Filsell, Head of Community Support & Partnerships, Christchurch City Council
3. Q & A’s from Councillor Victoria Henstock to Councillor Pauline Cotter
4. LGOIMA request to Christchurch City Council by Joanna Gould
5. 24.05.24 – Council – Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshop

1. 22.05.24 – Council – Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshop

Information Session/Workshop – Council
LTP Staff Advice, 20 May 2024
Shirley Community Centre, Page 117

– Recommendation: Further work required.
– Context: Council has money on budget for this project in the LTP, however submitters have requested that this budget is brought forward so the project can be completed sooner.
– Feedback from submitters: A small number of submitters provided feedback on the reinstatement of the Shirley Community Centre.
They advocated for the work to be completed sooner than planned, noting how long their community had been without the facility while others across the city had been rebuilt.
– Financial impact:
Option 1: No change to draft LTP
Assumption: 29/30 $245k, 30/31 $3.458M
Difference to plan: Nil
Rates Impact: Nil
Option 2: Alternative Staff Option: Bring back
Assumption: 24/25 $75k, 25/26 $800k, 26/27 $2.83M, 27/28 $40k p.a
Difference to plan: Earlier borrowing
Rates Impact: 0.01% 26/27, 0.02% 27/28,-0.1% 30/31, -0.2% 31/32
– Staff advice: Council agrees to bring back the existing budget for the Shirley Community Centre in the long term plan as follows:
$75,346 in FY25, $800,000 in FY26, $2,830,000 in FY27
Council notes that the operational costs for the Shirley Community centre are unlikely to exceed $40,000 per annum, Council will be invited to consider this in the 2025/26 Annual Plan process.

2. Q & A’s from Councillor Kelly Barber to John Filsell, Head of Community Support & Partnerships, Christchurch City Council
– Q. from Councillor Kelly Barber [Burwood Ward*]
* see The current Shirley Library is located in The Palms carpark, Burwood Ward.
“I’m very supportive of this. But I wonder whether this is another situation where we’re going to end up running the organisation and being responsible for the buildings.
Is there any way we can incorporate into this staff putting together a trust of competent members of the community to mitigate the ongoing Opex [Operating Expenses]?”

– A. from John Filsell, Head of Community Support & Partnerships, Christchurch City Council
“Staff are through the Board Chair [Emma Norrish] currently negotiating with a ‘prospective Community Partner’ and a ‘sympathetic Building Company’ to develop this facility in a Community Partnership through the Build and the Operation.
So yes that’s what the [Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community] Board has in mind.
We have a report going to the Waipapa Community Board in early June reflecting that, that’s on the cards and that’s how we’d like to proceed at this point in time.”

– Mayor Phil Mauger:
“So in the long run it’ll end up like St Albans Community Centre where it’s totally run and operated by the community.”

– John Filsell:
“That’s the goal. It’s the preferred way of doing things, but it needs community board decision making to ratify that and that’s scheduled for early June.”

– Councillor Kelly Barber:
“Can I just follow up. Is it possible that the design could include room for offices, so that people could rent those and continue to fund the ongoing costs?”

– Councillor Pauline Cotter:
“Kelly you’re going too far along the track, this is a community board project and all those things are going to be considered.
But this is about just bringing some development money forward so they can get on with that exact work that you’re talking about.”

3. Q & A’s from Councillor Victoria Henstock to Councillor Pauline Cotter
– Q. from Councillor Victoria Henstock [for Papanui Ward]
“Thank you Pauline. I was just wanting to hear from you on this because I know that you’ve been involved with this for many many years.*
So I was just keen to hear your thoughts on the Mayor’s recommendation.”
* see

– A. from Councillor Pauline Cotter [for Innes Ward*]
“Thank you. Was that enough thoughts? I support them.”
* 10 Shirley Road/Shirley Community Reserve site of the proposed new Shirley Community Centre is now located in the Central Ward, Councillor Jake McLellan.

4. LGOIMA request to Christchurch City Council by Joanna Gould
22 May 2024
Council Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshop

Can you please let me know the answers to John Filsell comments regarding the new Shirley Community Centre:

1. “Staff negotiating with a prospective community partner”
1.a. – What “community partner”?

2. “Sympathetic building company to develop this building facility”
2.a. – What “building company”?
2.b. – Why is this proposed new building facility not going out for tender?

As a resident who has been advocating for 10 Shirley Road since 2018,

I am disappointed that this process has not been open & transparent from our communities point of view.

3.a. – When is this report & feasibility study being presented to the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board?
3.b. – Will residents only find out what is being proposed after the Community Board have made a decision? (like the previous Crossway Church proposal*)
* see
3.c. – Will residents be consulted on this proposed “community partner”?
3.d. – Will residents be consulted on the proposed building design/function/available facilities?

5. 24.05.24 – Council – Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshop
LTP 22nd May Workshop Direction Given
Shirley Community Centre
Rates Impact 25/26 on:
+0.01% 26/27, +0.02% 27/28,-0.1% 30/31, -0.2% 31/32
Bring forward construction from 2031 to 2026-2027