Shirley Community Centre Decision-making

1. Delegated Authority for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre (2016)
2. Mayor’s Recommendation for CCC Long Term Plan 2018-2028
3. Mayor’s Recommendation for CCC Long Term Plan 2021-2031
4. History of Shirley Community Centre Decision-making (2012 to 2024)

In 2012, after the Christchurch Earthquakes, the Shirley Community Centre at 10 Shirley Road/Shirley Community Reserve, Richmond was demolished.

From 2013 to 2016, “staff explored options for a third-party funded and managed facility” (Crossway Church proposal), which was eventually rejected.

In 2016, the Christchurch City Council gave Delegated Authority for the ‘rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre’ to the Shirley/Papanui Community Board.

From 2016 to 2018, I’m unsure what progress was made on the Shirley Community Centre rebuild project.

As by the beginning of 2018, the funding for the new Shirley Community Centre had been ‘Removed from Programme’, Community Facilities Rebuild & “the Papanui-Innes Community Board has take the rare step of starting a petition to fight the city council over funding.”

In May 2018, after my 1st verbal submission to Council for the Draft Long Term Plan 2018-2028, Former Mayor Lianne Dalziel’s recommendations included directing staff to engage with external independent consultants for:
– Community Needs Analysis for Richmond (December 2018) &
– Shirley Community Centre Feasibility and Business Case (8 August 2019)
I was interviewed by both external independent consultants for these reports.

Each year from 2018 to 2024, I have made submissions advocating for a new Centre to be built at at 10 Shirley Road/Shirley Community Reserve, Richmond.

Eventually in 2021, after my 2nd CCC Draft Long Term Plan verbal submission & ‘Shirley Road Central’ group presentation of the ‘Where is our Community Centre’ petition, Former Mayor Lianne Dalziel’s recommendations included:
– “Council reinstates $3.0 million funding formerly set aside for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre in FY 2029/30 – FY 2031/32 to enable a subsequent annual plan to bring the funding forward if plans are progressed.” &
– “Council adds $35,000 in FY 2021/22 for an updated feasibility study to look at other options, including incorporating the current Shirley library.”

But since 2016, when Council gave the Delegated Authority for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre, the Community Board have focused on funding ‘activation’ for the 10 Shirley Road/Shirley Community Reserve:
– ‘Temporary’ Modular pump track & multi use concrete table installed (May 2020).
– Landscape plan requested.
– ‘We are Richmond’ wayfinding signage installed.
– ‘Shirley Road Central’ Skip Day & Car Boot Sale events.
– ‘Shirley Village’ Youth Audit of 10 Shirley Road & Shirley Library.
– ‘Eastern Community Sport and Recreation’ Shirley Play Pop-up preschooler events.
– ‘St Albans Residents Association’ Nau mai Fiesta event.
– ‘Youth & Cultural Development (YCD)’ House of Hoopz FRESH event.
– Memo on: Toilets, Signage, Lights, Basketball Court renewal, Accessibility, Reserve Planning.
– New fencing, gate & signage installed.
– Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPED) report requested.

Now in 2024, the Christchurch City Council Draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034 includes:
– Central Ward, Parks & Foreshore
74005 – Shirley Community Reserve
Landscape Development Plan, $50,000 in FY25/26, Page 3
(10 Shirley Road/Shirley Community Reserve is now in the Central Ward)
– Innes Ward, Community Development and Facilities
20053 – Shirley Community Centre
$3,706,796 in FY27/28 – FY33/34, Page 5

After the Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshops in May:
Direction Given to “Bring forward construction from 2031 to 2026-2027.”
“Staff are through the Board Chair [Emma Norrish] currently negotiating with a ‘prospective Community Partner’ and a ‘sympathetic Building Company’ to develop this facility in a Community Partnership through the Build and the Operation.”

The 2nd Feasibility Study (requested in 2021) & latest Consultation Feedback (from August 2023) will be presented as part of the Staff Report at the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board on the 13th June 2024, for the Community Board to decide on the future of the Shirley Community Reserve, 10 Shirley Road, Richmond.

1. Delegated Authority for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre (2016)
see “9. Proposed Shirley Community Centre Rebuild Request for Delegated Authority (31 August 2016)” &
“10. Proposed Shirley Community Centre Rebuild Request for Delegated Authority (8 September 2016)”
– At their meeting of 31 August 2016 the Shirley/Papanui Community Board considered a process for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre.
– The Board wishes to proceed with this project and suggests that a process similar to that put in place by the Council for the rebuild of the St Albans Community Centre be followed.
– Accordingly the Board requests that delegated authority for decision-making around the Shirley Community Centre project be given by the Council, including the delegation of authority to make decisions from the recommendations of the Working Party and from staff for the siting, design and rebuild process and future management of the facility.
– Council Resolved CNCL/2016/00368
That the Council:
1. Delegates the necessary authority (as per the St Albans Community facility) to the Shirley/Papanui Community Board (to be the Papanui/Innes Community Board in the next term) for decisions regarding the rebuild and future management of the Shirley Community Centre at either 10 Shirley Road or any other selected site.
2. Request that the Community Board talk with staff around potential options for a regeneration plan in this area under the Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act 2016.

2. Mayor’s Recommendation for CCC Long Term Plan 2018-2028
Page 6
22 June 2018
8. Funding new and existing community facilities
a. That the Council requests staff to complete the Community Facilities Network Plan as soon as practicable; and approves an additional $170,000 operational expenditure in 2018/19 to expedite this, inform next year’s and future years’ annual plans.
Potential developments include but are not limited to;
the Shirley Community Centre*, a Multicultural Centre, a Centre for Avondale, Burwood and Dallington area and an Okains Bay Community Centre.”
* Staff directed to engage external independent consultants for:
a. Community Needs Analysis for Richmond (December 2018) &
b. Shirley Community Centre Feasibility and Business Case (8 August 2019)

3. Mayor’s Recommendation for CCC Long Term Plan 2021-2031
Page 25
21 June 2021
M8: 10 Shirley Rd
M8A: That the Council reinstates $3.0 million funding formerly set aside for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre in FY 2029/30 – FY 2031/32 to enable a subsequent annual plan to bring the funding forward if plans are progressed.
M8B: That the Council adds $35,000 in FY 2021/22 for an updated feasibility study to look at other options, including incorporating the current Shirley library*.
* Staff directed to provide an updated feasibility study in FY 2021/22.
This updated feasibility study has yet to be presented to the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board, nearly 3 years later.
Shirley Community Reserve Memo (10 June 2022)
Page 97
4.3 A feasibility study is currently underway to estimate the construction costs for four potential options for a new community facility.
1. Mixed use hub incorporating a library, service centre, and community operated community space,
2. Community operated large community facilities building,
3. Community operated small community facilities building,
4. Outdoor options similar to Dallington landing.

4. History of Shirley Community Centre Decision-making (2012 to 2024)

1. Christchurch City Council Community Facilities Rebuild – Tranche 1
2. Crossway Deputation to Shirley/Papanui Community Board (17 July 2013)
3. Christchurch City Council Meeting (28 August 2014)
4. Christchurch City Council Communities, Housing and Economic Development Committee Meeting (31 March 2015)
5. Shirley/Papanui Community Board Meeting – Minutes (19 August 2015)
6. Shirley/Papanui Community Board Meeting – Agenda (6 July 2016)
7. Shirley/Papanui Community Board Meeting – Minutes (6 July 2016)
8. Proposed Shirley Community Centre Rebuild (3 August 2016)
9. Proposed Shirley Community Centre Rebuild Request for Delegated
Authority (31 August 2016)
10. Proposed Shirley Community Centre Rebuild Request for Delegated Authority (8 September 2016)
11. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (15 November 2016)
12. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (9 December 2016)
13. Christchurch City Council Communities, Housing and Economic Development Committee Meeting (December 2016)
14. Christchurch City Council Annual Plan 2017-18 (20 June 2017)
15. Christchurch City Council Social Community Development and Housing Committee – Community Facilities Rebuild (February 2018)
16. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (23 February 2018)
17. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (9 March 2018)
18. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Minutes (9 March 2018)
19. ‘Board launches petition to get new community facility’ News Article (10 April 2018)
20. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (13 April 2018)
21. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (27 April 2018)
22. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Minutes (27 April 2018)
23. Christchurch City Council Social and Community Development Committee – Community Facilities Rebuild (May 2018)
24. Christchurch City Council Draft Long Term Plan 2018-2028 (12 May 2018)
25. Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan 2018-2028 (22 June 2018)
26. Christchurch City Council Finance and Performance Committee (August 2019)
27. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (19 February 2021)
28. Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan 2021-31 (21 June 2021)
29. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (16 July 2021)
30. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (3 September 2021)
31. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (29 April 2022)
32. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (17 June 2022)
33. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (15 July 2022)
34. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (19 August 2022)
35. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (13 April 2023)
36. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (11 May 2023)
37. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (12 July 2023)
38. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (10 August 2023)
39. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (14 September 2023)
40. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (9 November 2023)
41. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (14 December 2023)
42. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (14 March 2024)
43. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (9 May 2024)
44. Christchurch City Council – Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshop (22 May 2024)
45. Christchurch City Council – Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshop (24 May 2024)
46. Christchurch City Council – Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshop (28 May 2024)

1. Christchurch City Council Community Facilities Rebuild – Tranche 1
Page 2
21, Shirley Community Centre, 10 Shirley Road
Recommended Required Work: Replace. Section 38 (claim insured value).

2. Crossway Deputation to Shirley/Papanui Community Board (17 July 2013)
Page 1
2. Crossway Deputation to Shirley/Papanui Community Board
Part A – Matters Requiring a Council Decision, 1. Deputations By Appointment
Deputations: Public–Private Partnership Proposal for Community Facility Shirley/Richmond Area
Board Recommendation
The Board supports in principle the proposal by Crossway Community Church to establish a public private partnership and recommends that the Council:
(a) Grant a long term lease for the former Shirley Community Centre site at 10 Shirley Road to Crossway Community Church.
(b) Note the Crossway Community Church (with the support of its parent bodies, the Methodist Church of New Zealand and the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand) proposes, through engagement with the local community and stakeholders, to design and build a new multipurpose community facility available for both the church and wider community.
(c) Note that the Church intends to fund the capital project and manage and operate the facility according to an operational plan agreed under the public-private partnership within available funding.
(d) Note the importance of the geotechnical investigation for the proposed site at 10 Shirley Road and requests that the Council undertake an urgent geotechnical investigation.
(e) Consider this proposal by Crossway Community Church.*
* see

3. Christchurch City Council Meeting (28 August 2014)
Public Excluded, Page 11
At a meeting on 28 August 2014, the Council resolved to:
33.1 Approve the Tranche 1 prioritised programme.
33.2 Approve funding as amended in total from the Facilities and Infrastructure Improvement – New Borrowing Allowance comprising:
$29,087,059 for Community Facilities and
$11,703,596 for Heritage Facilities
33.3 Apply proceeds of any insurance claim for these facilities to the Facilities and Infrastructure Improvement – New Borrowing Allowance.
5.15 Within the Tranche 1 programme as approved, $2.52m was allocated to a new Shirley Community Centre.

4. Christchurch City Council Communities, Housing and Economic Development Committee Meeting (31 March 2015)
Page 32
Shirley Community Centre
Opening: To Be Determined
Current Phase: Concept
Delegated Authority for Concept Design Approval: Business Owner
Current Status: A meeting was held on 17/02/15 between CCC PM, representatives of church groups proposing to establish a facility on the site of old Community Centre, and the CCC Asset Owner.
At this meeting the church provided background on their work to date and the mechanics of their offering.
CCC PM is now gathering information internally to understand status from a property and community support point of view.
Feedback received as part of this will inform whether or not further stakeholder consultation is required.
The end output will be a recommendation report by the Asset Owner to the Community Board and Council regarding the Church Group’s offering.
An update is to be provided to the Community Board via a seminar sitting on 1 April, but is highly unlikely that the recommendation report will be available at that time.

5. Shirley/Papanui Community Board Meeting – Minutes (19 August 2015)
Page 1
Part A – Matters Requiring a Council Decision
1. Shirley Community Facility Rebuild – 10 Shirley Road
The Board considered a report seeking its recommendation to the Council for the release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the open market inviting proposals for the development and operation of a Community Centre or similar at 10 Shirley Road, the site of the former Shirley Community Centre.
Staff Recommendation
That the Shirley/Papanui Community Board recommend to the Council that it instruct Council Officers to prepare and release a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the open market inviting proposals for the development and operation of a Community Centre or similar at 10 Shirley Road.
Board Recommendation
That the staff recommendation be adopted.

6. Shirley/Papanui Community Board Meeting – Agenda (6 July 2016)
Pages 39-48 Staff Report
Pages 49 Letter to Community Meeting attendees from John Filsell, Recreation and Sports Manager, Christchurch City Council
Pages 50-52 Community Meeting Feedback (30 April 2015)
Pages 53-115 Crossway RFP Proposal Part 1 & 2
Crossway Community Centre, Community Facility – 10 Shirley Rd,
Submission Report dated 22/3/2016
10. Shirley Community Facility – 10 Shirley Road
1.1 The purpose of this report is for the Shirley/Papanui Community Board to receive the information contained within and to instruct staff on how to proceed regarding the reinstatement of a Combined Community Facility at 10 Shirley Road.
1.3 Specifically, on the 19th of August 2015 the Shirley/Papanui Community recommended that the staff recommendation as set out below be adopted.
That recommendation was:
That the Shirley/Papanui Community Board recommend to the Council that it instruct Council Officers to prepare and release a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the open market inviting proposals for the development and operation of a Community Centre or similar at 10 Shirley Road.
1.4 Subsequently at the Council meeting of 10 September 2015, it was resolved on the motion of Councillor Cotter, seconded by Councillor Jones, that the Council instruct Council Officers to prepare and release a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the open market inviting proposals for the development and operation of a Community Centre or similar at 10 Shirley Road.
4.2 The following feasible options have been considered:
Option 1 – Reject Crossway Proposal.
Under this option the Board would instruct Council staff to reject (with many thanks for their offer and commitment) the Crossway Proposal received in response to the Request for Proposal document and proceed with the consultation, design and construction of a new facility using available Council funds.
Option 2 – Accept Crossway Proposal.
Under this option the Board would recommend to the Council that the Council instruct staff to accept the Crossway Proposal as presented. Council approval for this option is required due to the grant component of the Crossway Proposal.
Option 3 – Neither accept nor reject Crossway Proposal.
Under this option the Board would neither accept nor reject the Crossway Proposal as it stands, and would instead instruct staff to obtain additional detail/negotiate and report back to the Board at a later date.
5.6. The Crossways Group first formally met with Christchurch City Council Staff on the 22nd of March 2013 regarding the possibility of leasing Council land to build a facility to replace churches lost in the earthquakes.
Staff Recommendations
3.1. That the Shirley/ Papanui Community Board recommend to Council that it instruct Council Officers to prepare and release a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the open market inviting proposals for the development and operation of a Community Centre or similar at 10 Shirley Road.

7. Shirley/Papanui Community Board Meeting – Minutes (6 July 2016)
Page 5 & 6
10. Shirley Community Facility – 10 Shirley Road
Staff Recommendations
That the Shirley/Papanui Community Board:
1. Receive the information contained within this report and instruct staff on how to proceed regarding the reinstatement of a combined community facility at 10 Shirley Road.
The Board discussed the staff report and the potential options for the reinstatement of the facility.
The following Motion was moved by Member Keown and seconded by Member Watson.
That the Shirley/Papanui Community Board resolve to accept the Shirley Community Facility Partnership Proposal (Option Two).
The Motion was put to the Board and a Division called.
The division was declared lost by 2 votes to 5 votes the voting being as follows:
For: Member Keown and Member Watson
Against: Member Davidson, Member Byrne, Member Cotter, Member Jones and Member Norrish
Community Board Resolved SPCB/2016/00096
Part C
The Shirley/Papanui Community Board resolved to:
1. Accept the Shirley Community Facility (Option One) and request that staff proceed with further investigation on the provision of a community facility at 10 Shirley Road for the Shirley community and report back to the Board.
The division was declared carried by 4 votes to 3 votes the voting being as follows:
For: Member Byrne, Member Cotter, Member Jones and Member Norrish
Against: Member Davidson, Member Keown and Member Watson
Member Keown/Member Watson, Carried
Community Board Resolved SPCB/2016/00097
Part C
The Shirley/Papanui Community Board resolved to:
1. Further request that the report on the provision of a community facility at 10 Shirley Road include an option to provide full delegation to the Shirley/Papanui Community Board to facilitate the building of a community centre for the Shirley community.
Member Jones/Member Norrish, Carried

8. Proposed Shirley Community Centre Rebuild (3 August 2016)
Item 12*
* This video also contains the discussion regarding the Delegated Authority to Shirley/Papanui Community Board for the Shirley Community Centre Rebuild.

9. Proposed Shirley Community Centre Rebuild Request for Delegated
(31 August 2016)
Pages 91-92
Item 17, Report from Shirley/Papanui Community Board
At their meeting of 31 August 2016 the Shirley/Papanui Community Board considered a process for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre.
The Council has allocated funding of $2.57 million to cover the capital costs of the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre.
This project is in Tranche 1 of the Community Facilities Rebuild Programme.
The Board wishes to proceed with this project and suggests that a process similar to that put in place by the Council for the rebuild of the St Albans Community Centre be followed.
Accordingly the Board requests that delegated authority for decision-making around the Shirley Community Centre project be given by the Council, including the delegation of authority to make decisions from the recommendations of the Working Party and from staff for the siting, design and rebuild process and future management of the facility.

10. Proposed Shirley Community Centre Rebuild Request for Delegated Authority (8 September 2016)
Item 12, Page 5
Council Resolved CNCL/2016/00368
That the Council:
1. Delegates the necessary authority (as per the St Albans Community facility) to the Shirley/Papanui Community Board (to be the Papanui/Innes Community Board in the next term) for decisions regarding the rebuild and future management of the Shirley Community Centre at either 10 Shirley Road or any other selected site.
2. Request that the Community Board talk with staff around potential options for a regeneration plan in this area under the Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act 2016.

11. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (15 November 2016)
Page 14
4.1.2 Matter – Shirley Community Centre Rebuild
Status: Planning for this project has started. Council has approved delegated authority to the Papanui-Innes Community Board for decision-making around this project following consideration in the last term of the Community Board.
Information obtained from previous community consultation will be analysed and a community meeting held to obtain further information on the use of the facility by the community.
Action Required: Provide a briefing to the Community Board regarding community governance processes in November/December 2016.
The Board will consider whether to establish a working party to facilitate the rebuild and its membership in November/December 2016.
Page 75
10. Papanui-Innes Community Board Area Update
2.2 Shirley Community Centre Rebuild
A community meeting is planned for Thursday 17 November, 6-8pm at the Shirley Intermediate School Hall.
The Community will be asked ‘What would you like to do at the new centre?’
This is the start of a partnership with the community to provide a new community centre.
At the next Board meeting the Board will be asked to form a working party, similar to the St Albans Working Party concept, to progress the design of the new community centre and to approve a terms of reference for this working party.

12. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (9 December 2016)
Page 69
2.1 10 Shirley Road Community Facility rebuild
Information on the terms of reference and membership of the working party for this rebuild will be separately circulated for members’ consideration. Also attached is a Memorandum on the Site Selection Process and the Terms of Reference for the 10 Shirley Road Community Centre Rebuild Project (refer Attachment A).
Staff Recommended Resolutions:
That the Papanui-Innes Community Board:
1. Approve the recommendation that the site of the new permanent Shirley Community Centre be confirmed as the existing site (10 Shirley Road).
2. Approve the Terms of Reference for the Shirley Community Centre Rebuild Working Party for the rebuild of the Community Centre.
Page 72 & 73
Attachment A – Memorandum: 1 December 2016
Re: Information on the Site Selection process and the Terms of Reference for the Shirley Community Centre rebuild project
1. Site Selection Process
The recommendation of 10 Shirley Road has taken into account a number of factors including the area of land needed, access, parking and zoning designations.
All Council-owned properties within a 1.5km radius of 10 Shirley Road were identified and taken into consideration against a number of factors.
– The site at 10 Shirley Road met the following criteria including:
Sufficient space (9042m2) for both the community centre and necessary off-street parking plus other community activities
– Good access with road frontages to Chancellor Street, Slater Street and Shirley Road
– Appropriate zoning designation for the purpose of community facilities already in place
– Ownership is with the Council and is held in trust for a local purpose
– Community awareness of site as this was the site of the previous community centre.
It should be noted that the local playcentre holds a separate lease over the area (769 square metres) as shown within the red border in the map.
It is recommended that site of the new Shirley Community Centre be confirmed as 10 Shirley Road.
Staff Recommendation
That the Papanui-Innes Community Board under delegated authority from the Christchurch City Council granted at the Council meeting of 8 September 2016.
Approve the recommendation that the site of the new permanent Shirley Community Centre be the existing site (10 Shirley Road).

13. Christchurch City Council Communities, Housing and Economic Development Committee Meeting (December 2016)
Page 59
Active Projects
Shirley Community Centre – New Build
The community centre on Shirley Road was demolished under a section 38 notice from CERA.
A new facility is required in the wider Shirley area.
This project seeks to undertake a business case and location study to identify suitable areas and possible community partnerships.
A community meeting to discuss the project was held on 17 November.
Unfortunately the turnout of community members was very light.
At a Community Board meeting on 9 November the Papanui-Innes Community Board confirmed the location of the new facility as 10 Shirley Road (the site of the old, demolished facility).
A Joint Working Group is to be established for the project, and the terms of reference for this will be established by the Community Board at their next meeting in February 2017.

14. Christchurch City Council Annual Plan 2017-18 (20 June 2017)
Page 14
Community Centres
That the Council:
a. Bring the rebuild of Shirley Community Centre forward to the 2018/19 year, from 2021/22 and 2022/23 years, as part of the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan process to demonstrate the Council’s commitment to providing appropriate community facilities in this area.
b. Notes the Council’s ongoing commitment to the provision of the interim community facility in partnership with the Lions at MacFarlane Park.

15. Christchurch City Council Social Community Development and Housing Committee – Community Facilities Rebuild (February 2018)
Page 32
Future Projects or on hold – Community Facilities and Heritage
Shirley Community Centre
The capital budget for this project is being considered as part of the Long Term Plan process.
Consequently, the project will not be reported upon until funding is made available or the project is cancelled.
Status: Future
Target Start Date: 1 July 2019

16. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (23 February 2018)
Page 25
5. Significant Community Issues, Events and Projects in the Board Area
5.6 10 Shirley Road
Local community board staff are developing a localised research project on what the community currently have and what they would like.
Staff will come back to the Board with the results in the coming months to ascertain the Board’s thoughts around the future of this site.

17. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (9 March 2018)
Page 9
5.6 10 Shirley Road
The Board noted the need to ensure that funding for this project is in the Council’s Long Term Plan (LTP) and asked for a workshop to be held to discuss potential LTP items.

18. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Minutes (9 March 2018)
Page 5
12.2 Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan (LTP)
The Chair and Deputy Chair will request a meeting with the Chief Executive to discuss the information provided and the deferment of funding for the Shirley Community Centre at 10 Shirley Road.

19. ‘Board launches petition to get new community facility’ News Article (10 April 2018)
Page 1 & Page 5
The Papanui-Innes Community Board has take the rare step of starting a petition to fight the city council over funding.
It comes after the city council removed funding for the centre planned for Shirley Rd, near the intersection with Hills Rd.
This was the site of the former community centre, which was badly damaged in the February 22, 2011 earthquake.
The removal of funding prompted community board chairwoman Ali Jones to threaten to stand down, citing it as her ‘die in the ditch’ project.
“One of the roles of a community board is to represent and act as advocate for the interests of its community and this is what we are doing.
The LTP and annual plans are all about lobbying the council.”

20. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (13 April 2018)
Page 28
4.3.5 10 Shirley Road
Local staff have engaged with all those members of the community who have been involved with 10 Shirley Road since this building was lost to this community.
A survey has been completed with those members on what they would envisage being placed on 10 Shirley Road in the future and staff are now engaging with the wider community around future proofing this site moving forward.
This is being done to ensure that staff are also meeting with all members of the community that we possibly have not engaged with in the past.
A petition requesting the inclusion of funding for 10 Shirley Road back into the Long Term Plan has obtained over 200 signatures to date.

21. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Agenda (27 April 2018)
Page 43
4.3.5 10 Shirley Road
The Board included a request for the reinstatement of funding to begin consultation and design for a community facility into the 2018/19 financial year as part of its submission to the Christchurch City Council Draft Long Term Plan.
Survey of residents is continuing and there is strong community engagement around this.

22. Papanui-Innes Community Board Meeting – Minutes (27 April 2018)
Page 3
4. Public Forum
4.3 10 Shirley Road – Don and Joanna Gould
Don and Joanna Gould addressed the Board regarding their ideas for a replacement community facility on the 10 Shirley Road site.
After questions from members, the Chairperson thanked Don and Joanna Gould for their presentation.

23. Christchurch City Council Social and Community Development Committee – Community Facilities Rebuild (May 2018)
Page 29
Projects On Hold or Removed from Programme
Shirley Community Centre
The capital budget for this project was removed from the Long Term Plan and the project will not proceed unless the LTP public consultation process deems differently.
Status: Removed from Programme

24. Christchurch City Council Draft Long Term Plan 2018-2028 (12 May 2018)
Q & A’s from Former Mayor Lianne Dalziel to Joanna Gould regarding her Shirley Community Centre proposal:
“I really liked your submission largely because of the imagery around the history of the site and what’s planned for the future.
I think rather than just building back a community centre, that actually we should look at the whole of the area and look at the whole of the needs.
So maybe what we need to be considering for the Long Term Plan is a budget that would enable a full kind of needs analysis and to look at what the different options are. Because there is a Facebook page that’s been set up that suggests moving the library and other things…So it was you.”
My response:
“Yes. When I had the idea, I was standing across from Shirley Primary School with Ben and I thought ‘What if?’
What if we could dream big and create this whole block, create this destination space that invites everybody.
It’s a meeting place, it’s a community centre, but we also have so many nations settling in our area.
I wanted to welcome them into this area and make them feel part of this area.
I just see the whole space alive with people, all sorts of people.
If they are disabled or whatever they can still access this space.
Everybody can come in and it can be put back as a destination space and learning space for the whole community, for Christchurch and tourists as well, because this is the Gateway to the East.”
1st Verbal Submission for the Shirley Community Centre Rebuild:
1st Written Submission for the Shirley Community Centre Rebuild:
Shirley Centre Overview:
Submissions (2018-2024):

25. Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan 2018-2028 (22 June 2018)
Page 6
Mayor’s Recommendations
8. Funding new and existing community facilities
a. That the Council requests staff to complete the Community Facilities Network Plan as soon as practicable; and approves an additional $170,000 operational expenditure in 2018/19 to expedite this, inform next year’s and future years’ annual plans.
Potential developments include but are not limited to;
the Shirley Community Centre*, a Multicultural Centre, a Centre for Avondale, Burwood and Dallington area and an Okains Bay Community Centre.”
* Staff directed to engage external independent consultants for:
– Community Needs Analysis for Richmond (December 2018) &
– Shirley Community Centre Feasibility and Business Case (8 August 2019)

26. Christchurch City Council Finance and Performance Committee (August 2019)
Page 16
Projects Removed from Programme
Shirley Community Centre
The capital budget for this project was removed from the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan.
In March 2019 the Riverside Community Network received the feasibility study and business case for a combined community hub for the Burwood, Avondale and Dallington area which they had commissioned.
This will be considered as part of the delivery of the Community Facilities Network Plan project.

27. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (19 February 2021)
Page 39
3.1 Community Governance Projects
10 Shirley Road Activation. Landscape plan requested.
Improve and support community facilities and amenity in the Papanui-Innes Wards.

28. Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan 2021-31 (21 June 2021)
Page 25
Mayor’s and Chief Executive’s Recommendations and Amendments
The Mayor’s and Chief Executive’s Recommendations were moved by the Mayor and Seconded by Deputy Mayor
M8: 10 Shirley Rd
M8A: That the Council reinstates $3.0 million funding formerly set aside for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre in FY 2029/30 – FY 2031/32 to enable a subsequent annual plan to bring the funding forward if plans are progressed.
M8B: That the Council adds $35,000 in FY 2021/22 for an updated feasibility study to look at other options, including incorporating the current Shirley library.

29. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (16 July 2021)
Waipapa Papanui-Innes Community Board Plan 2020-22 – Implementation Monitoring
Page 22
What the Board will do: Engage with the community over future development of 10 Shirley Road.
Measures of Success:
– Track key topics through the Community Board’s monthly area report and report back to Council.
– Advocate and encourage for the community in the long term plan process. Active citizenship equals an engaged community.
– Make local decisions locally.
– The Board and community have advocated for facility development in the Long Term Plan.
– A place for community interactions “hearts of community” is provided.
– Receiving feedback from community groups.
– By ongoing community engagement which informs the Board’s decision making, including a community-led inclusive engagement approach to consultation.
Progress to date/actions taken:
– 13 Sep 2019: The Board approved the installation of the modular pump track on the Community Reserve at 10 Shirley Road, following community engagement which demonstrated strong support for the track.
– 18 Sep 2020 to 12 Oct 2020: Engagement on future use of 10 Shirley Road Community Reserve carried out.
58 submissions were received with 29 in support of replacing the community centre at this location. This will inform the Board’s LTP submission.
– 4 Nov 2020: The Board requested that staff provide information in the form of a memorandum on the next steps regarding the activation of the 10 Shirley Road site and approved the amount of $15,000 being ring-fenced in its Discretionary Response Fund towards the cost of activation.
– 20 Nov 2020: The Board requested a site plan of 10 Shirley Road to assist the Board and the wider community to understand and highlight any potential limitations/opportunities for the activation funding ring-fenced on 4 Nov 2020.
– 18 Dec 2020: The Board approved the installation of a temporary wayfinding sign at 10 Shirley Road which is a pilot project to connect people with places and projects happening in the Richmond suburb including the Red Zone and Otakaro Avon River trail.
– 29 Jan 2020: The wayfinding sign was installed to encourage neighbourhood connections and physical activity.
– The Board is awaiting information from staff on next steps, including the process for developing a landscape plan.
The Board is also exploring opportunities to distribute the $15,000 grant funding ring-fenced for the site activation.
– 16 Apr 2021: The Board provided a grant in support of the Skip Day event to help activate the 10 Shirley Road site.
– On 21 June 2021 the Council resolved to reinstate $3.0 million funding formerly set aside for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre in FY 2029-30/FY 2031-32 to enable a subsequent annual plan to bring the funding forward if plans are progressed.
The Council also added $35,000 in FY 2021-22 for an updated feasibility study to look at other options, including incorporating the current Shirley library.

30. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (3 September 2021)
Page 9 & 10
9. Waipapa Papanui-Innes Community Board Area Report – August 2021
9.1 10 Shirley Road
The Board raised the cost of the landscape plan they had originally requested and asked whether staff could look at the feasibility of the community’s suggestions for the site.
It was noted that the estimate for landscape plan was $15k and staff were looking at cheaper options to still allow the Board do landscaping at the site.
The Board was keen to examine partnership options with local business to help reduce the cost to the Board.
It was also raised that now the LTP has been approved the Board asked the next step.
It was noted that there is money on budget for the feasibility study next year.
Staff advised they were going to do a temperature check and start looking at past reports and engagement done in regards to the site in advance of the feasibility study and start consulting with relevant units regarding future collaborative use of the site and developing a community hub strategy.
The Board suggested that reviewing the community engagement results and the notes from the meeting held with the local community at the Shirley Intermediate School would provide valuable insights about the community’s needs and wants for 10 Shirley Road and asked that staff consider these when compiling the feasibility study.
It was raised that the Board would like to have a plan moving forward.
This includes investigating the feasibility of relocating the Palms Shirley Library and Service Centre to be incorporated as part of a future Community Centre at 10 Shirley Road.
Staff advised this is one of the reasoning’s for the temperature check and to ensure that options are feasible and/or challenge options internally before going out to the public with options.

31. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (29 April 2022)
Page 50
10 Shirley Road Activation
Staff are investigating options for the activation of the site further to the Board’s site visit and follow up discussion of the at Youth Audit Workshop.
There will subsequently be an updated feasibility study for the site which includes options for community space.
An independent service provider will be engaged to carry out the feasibility study.
Page 57
3.8.1 Site Visit to 10 Shirley Road (Shirley Community Reserve)
The Community Board held a site visit to the Shirley Community Reserve on 23 March 2022 further to previously receiving briefings on a youth audit of the site and prospective landscape plan. Notes from this site visit are appended as Attachment A.
Pages 65-68
10 Shirley Road (Shirley Community Reserve) Site Visit Notes
Secretarial Note: The site visit arose at the Board’s request at it briefings on 4 March 2022 in relation to the Youth Audit and Landscape Plan for 10 Shirley Road (the Shirley Community Reserve).
1) Toilets, 2) Water fountains, 3) Lighting / safety (needs investigation)
a) Investigate the lights on the site – could they be utilised, and put on a timer or solar.
b) Investigate options for toilets (action assigned to staff).
c) Shirley Village Project will discuss and come back with more ideas.
Will put forward in their discussions priorities and points indicated and ascertain anything missed.
d) Investigate partnerships, e.g. Bunnings, to assist with budget.
e) Contact with other stakeholder group.

32. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (17 June 2022)
Page 71 & 74
11. Waipapa Papanui-Innes 2021-2022 Discretionary Response Fund Application
Papanui-Innes Community Board
Activation of Shirley Community Reserve, $10,000
That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes Community Board:
2. Officer Recommendations Ngā Tūtohu
1. Approves a grant of $10,000 from its 2021-22 Discretionary Response Fund towards the Activation of Shirley Community Reserve project, with any unspent funds to be returned to the Waipapa Papanui-Innes Community Board’s Discretionary Response Fund.
Staff Assessment
This project is about activating the Shirley Reserve with the local community. This project will collaborate with local community organisations to plan, implement, and ensure the provision of activities, events, and programmes in the park throughout the year. The project will work with the community to ensure these activities are sustainable and transferable as the park’s future is decided.
The project contributes to the well-being and prosperity of the local community.
The projects aims to have the following outcomes:
– Set up a community working group to plan and implement activations at the site.
– Build capacity of the working group in events and programme management.
– Participant Satisfaction Survey – 90% of the participants are satisfied with the events, programmes, and use of the site has increased.
– Feedback from participants and working group informs future activations at the site.
Page 82
Shirley Community Reserve Activation
Staff are investigating options (Attachment A) for the activation of the site further to the Board’s site visit and follow up discussion of the Youth Audit Workshop.
On 18 May 2022, Council staff (local Community Development Adviser, Manager
Parks Planning and Asset Management, Team Leader Visitor Experience) met with representatives from the Shirley Road Central group to discuss their ideas for the Shirley Community Reserve, and got an insight from the group on the local history of the site and surrounding area.
Attachment A
Shirley Community Reserve Memo, 10 June 2022
Pages 97-101

33. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (15 July 2022)
Page 9
5.4 Joanna Gould – Shirley Community Reserve
Joanna Gould spoke to the Board regarding the Shirley Community Reserve as a matter discussed in Item 13, the Community Board Area Report, with a related memo attached to that Report.
Ms Gould spoke to her attached supporting links, focusing on her case that Shirley Library should be relocated and upgraded to the Shirley Community Reserve (10 Shirley Road) site, among other needs and benefits for the community that could be fulfilled through the site.
After questions from members, the Chairperson thanked Ms Gould for her presentation.
Page 26
13. Waipapa Papanui-Innes Community Board Area Report – June 2022
Board Comment
A Board member recorded the staff advice, provided subsequent to the memo regarding Shirley Community Reserve (attached to the Area Report) that, dependent on the outcomes of community engagement/feedback for the Reserve, the following is at this stage set aside for these financial years:
FY26 $50k, FY27 $50k, FY28 $500k, FY29 $500k,
within 61782 Programme – Community Parks New Development
(the advice further noting that: however, this will be reviewed in the next Long Term Plan as it was initially proposed for a major park facility such as a skate-park, but this will depend on decisions regarding the community centre).
Page 124 & 125
Shirley Library
Further to receiving the deputation advocating for relocating and upgrading Shirley Library to the Shirley Community Reserve site, the Board requested to see the engineering report for Shirley Library, receiving advice after its last meeting that:
As the building strength is greater than 67%, it is not considered at risk of being earthquake prone.
From an asset, sustainability and lifecycle approach, Shirley Library is currently in good physical condition, having undergone capital works in 2020 and also received works to HVAC systems in 2014. The building is currently in the first third of its useful life.
Council would not anticipate significant capital works to occur in the next five years based on current condition and data modelling. There is a programme of funds in the LTP for the portfolio which is allocated to the remainder of the Libraries network.
The primary services delivered from the facility include:
Library services, Service Centre, NZ Post & Governance
The recent refurbishment works ensure that the facility continues to provide value to the community and remains fit for purpose.
Continued data collection and condition monitoring will be used to help inform future decision making for this site.
Physically, the asset is well positioned to respond to how these services are delivered.
The Board inquired about a re-assessment of the building given the passage of time, and related points, and received advice that the engineering assessment (completed by Aurecon) for Shirley Library (which also accommodates the Community Governance Team for the neighbouring Coastal-Burwood Board area, as being located within that area) occurred on 27 May 2013 and was determined to be 68% of the New Building Standard.
Two Chartered Engineers undertook a quantitative review of the report from CERA on 6 March 2014, with further Capital works occurring in 2020.
Council’s Senior Manager Facilities and its Technical Advisor, who oversees the Council’s Earthquake-prone buildings, have reviewed the 2013 report and advise there is no need to commission another assessment of the Shirley Library.
The Technical Advisor has advised that the Library is of a Low Risk and not classified as earthquake-prone or at earthquake risk.

34. Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Agenda (19 August 2022)
Page 90
Shirley Community Reserve Activation / Future Options
A briefing update on the process for considering future options was provided to the Board on 5 August 2022.
The Board has granted $10,000 towards the Activation of Shirley Community
Reserve project.
Page 102
Waipapa Papanui-Innes Community Board Plan 2020-22 – Monitoring as at July 2022
Progress to date/actions taken
– 4 March 2022: The Board was briefed on the Community Youth Audit of Shirley Community Reserve completed in partnership with Rerenga Awa, Shirley Village Project and Revision.
– 23 March 2022: Site visit to Shirley Community Reserve with staff, Community Board and community youth audit team to follow up on the briefing and ahead of the Youth Audit workshop.
– 1 April 2022: Youth Audit Workshop held, exploring priorities identified in relation to the youth audit of Shirley Community Reserve.
– 18 May 2022: Site visit to Shirley Community Reserve further to Board request for staff to also engage with the Shirley Road Central group, particularly in regard to their interest in signage for the site.
– June 2022: Staff memo on Shirley Community Reserve circulated regarding action points from the Community Board meeting and site meetings, signaled next steps as reporting on feasibility study of options for the site, particularly the option of a community centre, and further reporting on activation of the site.
– 10 June 2022: Community Meeting regarding the process for considering the future development of Shirley Community Reserve held with internal staff and community members.
– 17 June 2022: a funding application for $10K of the ring fenced $15K for activation was approved by the Board.
– 5 August 2022: Board briefing to update on four possible options.
Page 144
Papanui Innes Community Board
Activation of 10 Shirley Road
Amount Granted: 15,000. The funding was not uplifted.
Decision Date: 4/11/2020
Staff Comment, Monitoring Report received
Funding was returned to the Discretionary Response Fund and as above, subsequently $10,000 has been allocated towards the Activation of 10
Shirley Road from the 2022-23 Discretionary Response Fund at the 17 June 2022 meeting.

35. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (13 April 2023)
Page 53
3.5 Governance Advice
3.5.1 Shirley Community Reserve – new fence
The new fence installation around the Shirley Community Reserve is now
Its clean, modern lines and black coating blends into the background so the park is very viewable from the surrounding streets.
The main park entrance off Shirley Road sports new signage and has the gate as requested to keep children using the playground safe.

36. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (11 May 2023)
Page 97
4. Advice Provided to the Community Board
4.3 Memoranda
CCC: Shirley Community Reserve (circulated 19 April 2023)

37. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (12 July 2023)
Page 113
3. Community Support, Governance and Partnership Activity
3.1 Community Governance Projects
Board Plan – Shirley Community Reserve
Engagement with the community to determine a vision for the future of Shirley Community Reserve.
Refer detail of recent engagement activity further below in this report.
Te Haumako Te Whitingia Strengthening Communities Together Strategy
Page 118
Shirley Community Reserve Engagement – Shirley Schools
On the afternoon of Friday, 23 June 2023 Community Governance, Project and Engagement staff descended on Shirley Primary School to engage with the children on the vision for the space right across the road from them at Shirley Community Reserve, and found a highly engaged audience with an amazing appetite for providing input and devouring the small mountain of sausages staff sizzled up at double speed for the hunger bellies and minds of young neighbours of the reserve.
Staff did it all again the following week on Thursday, 29 June 2023 at Shirley Intermediate School before rushing back to brief the Board.

38. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (10 August 2023)
Page 18
12. Elected Members’ Information Exchange
Te Whakawhiti Whakaaro o Te Kāhui Amorangi
Part B
Board members exchanged information on matters of interest, including in relation to:
Stakeholder hui regarding engagement on the future of Shirley Community Reserve.
Page 210
Shirley Community Reserve (consultation closes 14 August 2023)
Shirley Community Reserve is a key priority for the Community Board, and the consultation on its future is currently open on the Kōrero mai | Let’s talk webpage:
Residents are being given the opportunity to rank which option best captures their ideal community reserve.
An overview of facilities in the area, the history of the reserve and a summary of the early feedback from the schools is also included.

39. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (14 September 2023)
Page 49
3. Community Support, Governance and Partnership Activity
3.1 Community Governance Projects
Board Plan – Shirley Community Reserve
Engagement with the community to determine a vision for the future of Shirley Community Reserve.
254 submissions have been received, which are currently being analysed for a report to the Board later in the year.*
* Still waiting for the report to be presented at the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board on 12th June 2024.

40. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (9 November 2023)
Page 61
3. Community Support, Governance and Partnership Activity
3.1 Community Governance Projects
Board Plan – Shirley Community Reserve
Engagement with the community to determine a vision for the future of Shirley Community Reserve.
Submissions to be reviewed by the Board at a workshop in November with staff ahead of decision meeting.*
* Still waiting for the report to be presented at the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board on 12th June 2024.
Page 128 & 129
Priority Eight: Shirley Community Reserve
Measures of Success:
– Any work carried out on the reserve will mirror the community vision.
– The reserve will be a destination of choice for the community, a safe space, a place that enhances well-being, and provides a place for social connection.
– CPTED principles will be applied to the project.

41. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (14 December 2023)
Page 71
3. Community Support, Governance and Partnership Activity
3.1 Community Governance Projects
Board Plan – Shirley Community Reserve
Engagement with the community to determine a vision for the future of Shirley Community Reserve.
Submissions to be reviewed by the Board at a workshop in December with staff ahead of decision meeting.*
* Still waiting for the report to be presented at the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board on 12th June 2024.

42. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (14 March 2024)
Page 11
7. Approves a grant of $17,250 from its Better-Off Fund to the Waipapa Community Governance Team for Crime Prevention through Environmental Design reports for MacFarlane Park and Shirley Community Reserve.
Page 12
Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00009
9. Approves a grant of $17,250 from its Better-Off Fund to the Waipapa Community Governance Team for Crime Prevention through Environmental Design reports for MacFarlane Park and Shirley Community Reserve.
Jake McLellan/Sunita Gautam, Carried
Ali Jones requested that her vote against this resolution 9 be recorded.
Page 96
4.4 Memoranda
Memoranda related to matters of relevance to the Board have been separately circulated for the Board’s information and are listed below.
CCC: Shirley Community Reserve Feasibility Study (circulated 23 February 2024)
Page 108
Intensification in the Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:
– Advocate for the inclusion of funding in the LTP for any amenities that may be identified in future developments.
The Board Chair in the LTP briefing to Council in October 2023 highlighted priority to ensure that development in East Papanui comes with provision for community amenities, and advocated for the funding to realise a vision for the future Shirley Community Reserve, to be determined in consultation with the community.
– Promote and support quality engagement practices
Support for comprehensive and current engagement on Shirley Community Reserve recognising the relevance of how the area has developed and ensuring to engage appropriately with current stakeholders, such as taking engagement activities into local schools and the FRESH event associated with YCD on the Reserve.

43. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board – Agenda (9 May 2024)
Page 146
Shirley Community Reserve
Shirley Community Reserve (projects 20053 and 74005) is a specific dedicated priority in the Community Board Plan.
The community has been consulted several times over the last three terms regarding their vision for the future of the reserve, where a well used Community Centre stood before the Canterbury earthquakes.
The Board supports funding being brought forward to be in line with a forthcoming Board decision.
This will provide certainty to the community that this key space will be duly invested in and developed so it can be successfully activated.
There is understood to be additional funding for the Parks-funded component of Shirley Community Reserve, available in the parent programme (61782), subject to the nature of the decision on its future of the reserve, theoretically suggesting the possibility of commencing with Parks-funded components ahead of where the Facility funding (20053) is currently sitting.
Again, the Board would like to see the Parks funding drawn down from the parent programme into a separate line item, so that it may be visible and subject to a current decision-making process.

44. Christchurch City Council – Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshop (22 May 2024)
Information Session/Workshop – Council
LTP Staff Advice, 20 May 2024
Shirley Community Centre, Page 117

45. Christchurch City Council – Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshop (24 May 2024)
LTP 22nd May Workshop Direction Given
Shirley Community Centre
Rates Impact 25/26 on:
+0.01% 26/27, +0.02% 27/28,-0.1% 30/31, -0.2% 31/32
Bring forward construction from 2031 to 2026-2027

46. Christchurch City Council – Long Term Plan 2024-34 Workshop (28 May 2024)