Community Facilities Network Plan

Community Facilities Network Plan


Community Facilities Network Map

The below information is from the Christchurch City Council website,, 6 March 2019.

  1. Community Facilities Network Plan
    Reference: 19/207225
    John Filsell, Head of Community Support Governance and Partnerships, Paul McKeefry, Community Facilities Specialist.
  2. Purpose of Report
    1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the Social, Community Development and Housing Committee on the development of the Community Facilities Network Plan.
  3. Executive Summary
    2.1 The development of a Community Facilities Network Plan project is underway and will include advice on specific facility opportunities identified by Council.
    2.2 This report provides an overview of project goals, scope and timeframe along with emerging information.
  4. Staff Recommendations
    That the Social, Community Development and Housing Committee:
  5. Receives the report.
  6. Key Points
    4.1 Key points are discussed in section 5 of this report below.
  7. Context/Background
    Issue or Opportunity
    5.1 A Community Facilities Network Plan us being developed that will provide a framework to inform and guide Council’s decision making processes over the provision and operation of community facilities. It will also provide information on specific facility opportunities identified by Council; namely, a Shirley Community Centre, a Multicultural Centre, a Centre for the Dallington-Avondale-Burwood area and an Okains Bay Community Centre.
    5.2 Project objectives include:
    · Explore the feasibility of four potential community facilities identified by Council.
    · Describe current community facility provision including use, capacity, degree to which facilities are fit-for-purpose, cost and asset condition.
    · Develop a current list and framework for recording facilities provided by Council and others.
    · Cross-reference existing provision against community need.
    · Develop a framework and criteria that assists Council in making decisions on the provision of community facilities including working with others.
    · Produce a Network Plan as a living document to be updated over time.

Strategic Alignment
5.3 The LTP 2018-2028 Service Plan is aligned with Council’s strategic direction of enabling active citizenship and connected communities in respect of community facilities, it states:
· We [Council] provide community centres, halls and houses to encourage participation in local activities and build a sense of community.
· We [Council] offer support to community organisations to help them deliver the valuable services they provide.
5.4 On 22 June 2018 Council resolved (CLTP/2018/00017):
· That the Council requests staff to complete the Community Facilities Network Plan as soon as practicable; and approves an additional $170,000 operational expenditure in 2018/19 to expedite this, inform next year’s and future years’ annual plans. Potential developments include but are not limited to; the Shirley Community Centre, a Multicultural Centre, a Centre for Avondale, Burwood and Dallington area and an Okains Bay Community Centre.

Network Plan Scope
5.5 The Plan will primarily cover community facilities owned and/or managed by Christchurch City Council including halls, community centres and cottages, leased facilities for volunteer libraries, toy libraries, community gardens and play centres. For the avoidance of doubt these are detailed in Community Facilities Asset Management Plan (17/696137).
5.6 Other facilities will be analysed to inform the “network” and identify opportunities to partner with others and/or signal gaps:
· Community facilities (or similar) situated on reserve managed the Parks Unit.
· Council-owned heritage classified buildings used as community facilities.
· Facilities owned by others.
5.7 The plan process will consider but not be limited to the following inputs:
· Demographic, e.g. – Population, Diversity, Geographical spread
· Financial, – CAPEX for new and R&R, OPEX
· Range of options for facility provision, including but not limited to:

  • Mixed model use such as community centre and libraries (Citizen Hub Strategy)
  • Facilities provided in partnership including draft partnership documents and templates
  • The promotion of non-Council facilities
  • Non-asset solutions.
  • Current and planned provision of facilities by Council and others.
  • Utilization and availability of facilities.
    5.8 Council owned facilities currently leased by Early Learning Centres will not be included in the Plan as Council has approved a process to determine its future involvement (13 December 2018).

Project time frame
5.9 The project involves two workstreams that are interconnected. The development of a Network Plan and the consideration of potential facility opportunities identified by Council (see section 5.1 of this report).
5.10 Information on the identified facilities will be available to Council in order to inform any debate at the conclusion of the 2019/2020 Annual Plan process in June 2019. Any Council decisions on these facilities in the Annual Plan process will inform and update the Draft Network Plan which will then be finalised for Council consideration prior to September 30 2019. Conversely the emerging findings of the Network Plan will be used to inform the advice provided to Council on the identified facilities.
5.11 The table below summarises the key outputs and dates:

Project Output (Date)

  • Initiate background research, project plan including timelines and milestones (29 October 2018)
  • Finalise project team and engage contractors (13 December 2018)
  • Update and finalise a detailed project plan with timelines and milestones (15 February 2019)
  • Update SCDH Committee (6 March 2019)
  • Community Board engagement (March 2019)
  • Information report on non-Council facilities and their availability (March 2019)
  • Individual draft feasibility assessments for Shirley, Okains Bay and Burwood-Avondale-Dallington facilities (March 2019)
  • First Draft Network Plan available (will have gaps) (Late April 2019)
  • Draft Business Cases for Shirley, Okains Bay and Burwood-Avondale-Dallington facilities (May 2019)
  • Information from Draft network Plan and draft facility feasibility/business cases used to inform officer comment on Annual Plan submissions (April –May 2019)
  • Report to SCDH Committee covering the Draft Network plan and feasibility and business cases (if applicable) for the four identified facilities (5 June 2019)
  • Council consideration of facilities as part of the Annual Plan in the context of the draft Network Plan (June 2019)
  • Present report Draft Network Plan and recommendations to the Council for consideration and decision, primarily on community engagement (18 July 2019)
  • Present Draft Network Plan to the Council for consideration and adoption
    (26 September 2019)

Network Update
5.12 The project team will provide an update on Council’s current suite of community facility assets, their condition and fitness for purpose.
5.13 The project team will provide an update on Council’s partnership approach to activating community facilities.

Facility Update
5.14 The project team will provide an update on progress on four facility opportunities as of, namely:
· Dallington-Avonside-Burwood
· Shirley
· Okains Bay
· Multicultural Centre.