CCC Long Term Plan 2021 Submission

PDF: CCC Long Term Plan 2021 Submission by Joanna Gould | April 2021

Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan 2021-31
Written Submission by Joanna Gould

1. Shirley Centre | Location
1.1 Suburbs surrounding 10 Shirley Road, Innes Ward Deprivation Index, SmartView Community Facilities
1.2 Projected Population, CCC District Planning Maps 25 & 32
1.3 CCC & Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust, Kāinga Ora (Housing New Zealand)
1.4 Nearest Bus Stops/Routes to Papanui/Aranui/Parklands/New Brighton Libraries, Nearest Bus Stops/Routes to Shirley Library, Bus Routes Network Map, Nearest Bus Stops/Routes Bus Routes to 10 Shirley Road, Bus Routes to Local Community Centres
1.5 Route from Local Schools to 10 Shirley Road, Local Schools Info, Local Schools Development Plans
1.6 EnviroSchools
1.7 CCC Have Your Say Consultation: Engagement Feedback for 10 Shirley Road Report
2. Shirley Centre | Learning Libraries
3. Shirley Centre | Legacy

Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan 2021-31
Verbal Submission by Joanna Gould
N.B. Don’t try reading from your phone, if you have problems focusing due to your eyesight. Lesson learnt: write your verbal submission down on paper, so it’s easier to read…

Our Christchurch ancestors created a place for learning, the original Shirley Primary School at 10 Shirley Road in 1915, which later was turned into the Shirley Community Centre.
This building became part of our communities identity and our own memories, until it was demolished in 2012.

Our suburbs have had a significant increase to our population due to new residential/infill housing/social housing since the CCC District Plan has been changed after the earthquakes, but no new community facilities are on budget in the proposed CCC LTP plan?

The Council collects significant Development Contributions from our suburbs “to recover the costs of providing future growth capacity for facilities such as swimming pools, sports centres, libraries”, that need investing back into our community.

Yesterday Councilor Chen asked our Community Board what impact a new centre would have on rates. The impact should be cost neutral.
The sale proceeds of the “potential Disposal of Council Owned Properties”: the four properties: 114 Hills Road, 219A Hills Road, 79 Slater Street & 81 Slater Street, could be invested in building a new centre at 10 Shirley Road.

We have collected over 1,000 signatures with our petition, which we will be presented formally in the coming weeks.
We have a letter of support from Poto Williams, our MP for Christchurch East.
The residents in our communities wants this, but it is also needed.

This location is a very visible historic landmark at the beginning of Shirley Road. Leaving it empty without a community centre, is a constant reminder of what we have lost, that we have been forgotten & have no community legacy for the future generations and clearly not what our ancestors intended for their future generations: us.

We are asking you to instruct staff to put a plan in place to deliver a new centre in this Long Term Plan term.

We need a multi cultural civic facility, not faith based, not captured by loud voices in the community, something owned and managed by our Council for all the communities connected to Shirley Road.