South Library Te Kete Wānanga o Wai Mōkihi – Earthquake Repair Options
“The purpose of this report is to update Council on the findings of the pre-project investigation into the cost and scope of repair works required to address structural damage to the South Library from the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence and bring this facility up to 100% NBS Importance Level 3; and endorse the staff recommendations.”
This report was on the Christchurch City Council Finance and Performance Committee agenda for Thursday 26 May 2022, but was “adjourned to the Sustainability and Community Resilience Committee meeting at 9.30am 1 June 2022.”
Deputations by Appointment Ngā Huinga Whakaritenga: 5.2 Joanna Gould
“Joanna Gould spoke in regards to Item 10. South Library Te Kete Wānanga o Wai Mōkihi – Earthquake Repair Options.
Her deputation focused on Shirley Library and the former Shirley Community Centre. She questioned the priority on South Library, when Shirley Library has issues around variety of books available and capacity. She also queried why the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre has been delayed until 2030/31, and whether this aligns with the Council’s policies on sustainability and environmental outcomes. Her presentation slides are attached.
The Committee requested an updated NBS or engineering report on the Shirley Library.”, Page 3
– Attachments: Deputation by Appointment 5.2 – Joanna Gould presentation slides, Page 17-33
– 01.06.22, Item 5, Deputations by Appointment:, 13:20
According to this article (1), the Shirley Library is the second busiest suburban library in Christchurch, with Fendalton first & South Library third.
South Library includes a library, service centre, board room, meeting rooms, learning centre & cafe. South Library to Tūranga = 3.8km
Shirley Library is also considered a suburban library, but there is no board room, meeting rooms or learning centre. Shirley Library to Tūranga = 4.7km
The actual floor space allocated to the Shirley Library, is less than half of the current building.
As the Service Centre (which includes NZ Post) & the Coastal-Burwood Governance Team are also located in this building.
The ReVision Youth Audit on the Shirley Library highlights some of the issues from our youth’s perspective. (2)
Shirley/The Palms is already considered a ‘Key Activity’ area. Our population has significantly increased due to infill housing & more social housing. Yet there are no plans to upgrade the size or change the location of the current Shirley Library and Service Centre?
Greater Christchurch Our Space 2018-2048
Page 25, Key Activity Centres
Page 26, Higher Density Residential
Page 30, Future Development Areas
Page 36, 10-minute Neighbourhood for Key Centres
In the CCC Asset Management Plan Summary: Libraries (3), the South Library replacement cost is considerably less than the amount proposed in this report.
The Shirley Library replacement cost is more than the amount on budget in the proposed CCC Annual Plan, for the the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre. (4)
Shirley Library was built in 1995. South Library was built in 2003.
South Library has 3 times the capacity of Shirley Library, yet the population density for Shirley Library is higher. (5)
Both the Shirley Community Centre & Shirley Library were included in the original CCC Facilities Rebuild programme. (6) South Library wasn’t included.
The CCC Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan (7) states that “Libraries will adhere to sustainable, long lasting design and ensure good return on investment. All planning will maximise the potential capacity of existing facilities, and take into consideration life cycle cost of new and existing building.”
“Shirley Library: Future need for more service capability. Space required to develop service for learning services to support need in the community.” Page 36
With the Shirley Library building being constructed in 1995, according to the Reference Building Type, there may be some issues in regards to the design/earthquake loads. (8)
From a potential disaster/civil defence point of view (9), building a standalone civic centre at 10 Shirley Road, opposite our largest school (Shirley Primary) would also provide a central meeting place/emergency location (with solar panels & rainwater harvesting system), away from The Palms (which closed for over six months due to earthquake repairs). (10)
In the South Library report under Defer the repair/rebuild, Disadvantages: “Despite its high use, it is not at the same standard as other libraries of similar size and function with the building services at/or near end of life.”
This statement applies more to Shirley Library than South Library. As in the South Library report, under Functionality: [South Library] “facility provides sufficient floor area”, which is not the case with the current Shirley Library.
The Local Government Community Well-being Act (11) addresses four aspects: Social, Economic, Environmental & Cultural: “As the operational arm of government, councils deliver infrastructure vital to our economy, such as roads, three waters and housing infrastructure, cultural and social amenities such as events, parks, libraries…”
In my PowerPoint presentation, I’ve included images of the view from the current Shirley Libary, looking into The Palms car parking. (12)
What impact do you think this view has on our communities wellbeing?
Do these images align with the Council’s Asset Management Plan for Libraries?
Residents have been asking since 2012 for a new building at 10 Shirley Road, to replace the former Shirley Community Centre that was demolished after the earthquakes. (13)
There is still no suburban library in the Innes Ward. Yet the current Innes Ward boundaries have significantly decreased in size, as the population continues to grow.
Christchurch City Council Development Contributions Policy 2021
Page 6: 1.3.1 Strategic reasons “The Council’s vision statement, community outcomes and strategic priorities constitute the Council’s Strategic Framework which guide decisions made by Council with a focus on improving overall community wellbeing.”
1.3.2 Fairness and equity “Christchurch City Council has decided it will use development contributions as the primary method of funding growth-related infrastructure. This approach enables the cost of providing growth infrastructure to be funded primarily by those who cause and/ or benefit from that investment.”
Page 8: “The Council will fund the growth capacity of the following types of community infrastructure from development contributions for community infrastructure: Libraries.
Development contributions for community infrastructure are levied on a district-wide basis, meaning the development contribution charge will be the same regardless of development location within the Christchurch District.”
After reading this report on the South Library, I do not understand why the Council would prioritise the repair/rebuild of the South Library.
The South Library is still in operation. The Shirley Community Centre was demolished. The current Shirley Library isn’t fit for purpose & does not meet the needs of our growing population.
This proposal doesn’t align with the Christchurch City Council’s policies on sustainability and environmental outcomes. (14) (15)
There are suburbs across the city that are lacking community facilities. (16)
The communities around Shirley Road have been waiting since 2012 for a new building to be built on 10 Shirley Road. Why has the Christchurch City Council deferred funding this until 2030/31? (17)
In my view, the Council should not direct staff to engage with renewals, while existing rebuilds have not been completed.
(2), Page 20-37
(3), Page 66
(4), Page 21
(5), Page 70, Libraries Sites
(8), Page 7
(9) “Building Community Resilience: Learning from the Canterbury earthquakes”
Appendix 2: Shirley Case Study Report, Page 73-85
(12), Page 13
(17), Page 21
South Library Te Kete Wānanga o Wai Mōkihi – Earthquake Repair Options: Minutes
– Committee Comment:
1. Amendments were put forward that provided additional details to the Officer
Recommendations, along with extending Council consideration of the development and costings on design from Q1 2023 to Q2 2023 and assessing options for a temporary facility during the rebuild phase.
2. The Committee requested that when Officers come to Council with the concept design and costings in Q2 2023, that information about extending temporary strengthening of the building is provided as a comparator and made publically available, along with cost implications and associated risks.
– Officer Recommendations:
That the Sustainability and Community Resilience Committee:
1. Direct staff to progress the design for a rebuild of the South Library Facility on its
existing site.
2. Endorse the development of a concept design and costing for consideration by Council in Q1 2023.
3. Note that the advancement of the project to construction will require additional funding in Annual Plan 2023-2024 and or a Long Term Plan adjustment.
– Amendment moved by Councillor Scandrett and seconded by Councillor Coker
That the Sustainability and Community Resilience Committee:
1. Direct staff to progress the design for a rebuild of the South Library Facility on its existing site.
a. Include the public throughout the design process, seeking ideas and then feedback
prior to endorsement of the concept design.
b. Request that the rebuild is done to high sustainability standards including carbon
emissions and water use, both during the construction and operation of the library., Page 6
‘10 Shirley Road’ Pages & Blog Posts:
– CCC Draft Annual Plan 2022-2023 Submission
– Shirley Centre Concept 2021
– CCC 10 Shirley Road Consultation Feedback
– Poto Williams Support Letter
– Duncan Webb Support Letter
– “Where is our Community Centre” Petition
– Proposed Pump Track for Shirley
– Timeline
– Warren and Mahoney: South Christchurch Library and Service Centre
– Christchurch City Council Facilities rebuild: Engineering reports
– Christchurch City Council: South Library Engineering Report
– Christchurch City Council: Shirley Library Engineering Report
– Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan 2021-31 Activity and Asset Management Plans
– Christchurch City Council Asset Management Plan Summary: Libraries
– Christchurch City Council Asset Management Plan Summary: Community Facilities
– Christchurch City Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan
– Christchurch City Libraries Events: Shirley
– Christchurch City Council Development Contributions Policy 2021
– Christchurch City Council Sustainability Policy 2008
– Christchurch City Council Equity and Access for People with Disabilities Policy
– Christchurch City Council Build Smarter Guides and Resources
– Christchurch City Council SmartView: Community Facilities
– Christchurch City Council SmartView: EV Charging stations
– Christchurch City Council: Innes Ward (current)
– Christchurch City Council: Innes Ward (new/2022 election)
– Greater Christchurch Our Space 2018-2048
– Christchurch City Council Community Facilities Rebuild Tranche 1
– Christchurch City Council Community Facilities Rebuild Tranche 2
– Canterbury Stories: The Palms Earthquake Photos
– Canterbury Stories: Fences and containers at Shirley Library
– Christchurch City Libraries: Shirley Library History
– CCC ‘Have Your Say’ Your ideas wanted for 10 Shirley Road
News Articles:
– Council votes to rebuild South Library in Christchurch (6 June 2022)
– Rebuilding South Library cheaper than repair (6 June 2022)
– Popular Christchurch library to be demolished and rebuilt (1 June 2022)
– Concept plans to be drawn-up for new South Library and Service Centre (1 June 2022)
– Council staff propose to demolish and rebuild busy Christchurch library (20 May 2022)
– Rebuild on the cards for quake-damaged South Library and Service Centre (20 May 2022)
– Large investment portfolio for sale next to popular Christchurch shopping centre (21 March 2022)
– Earthquake repairs spell 18-month closure of popular Christchurch library (16 March 2022)
– New owners take over Christchurch’s The Palms shopping mall (23 November 2021)
– Christchurch shopping centre sale highlights New Zealand’s compelling retail investment fundamentals (23 November 2021)
– Study to determine feasibility of Christchurch community centre (16 July 2021)
– Renewed calls to rebuild Shirley Community Centre (1 December 2020)
– Brief closure heralds service boost for Shirley Library and Service Centre (9 March 2020)
– Green light for pump track (24 September 2019)
– Law change reinforces Councils’ community focus (8 May 2019)
– Reinstated well-beings endorse councils’ community focus (8 May 2019)
– Call For Community Facility Grows (10 May 2018)
– Is Shirley Christchurch’s forgotten suburb? (4 May 2018)
– Christchurch suburb overlooked since the earthquakes, community leaders say (30 April 2018)
– Community centre builds delayed (26 October 2016)
– Community Centre in Shirley Stalled (19 July 2016)
– $40m to rebuild community, heritage facilities in Chch (4 September 2014)
– Councillors back Shirley community site (16 August 2013)
– New community centre planned for Shirley (16 August 2012)
– The Palms reopens after quake repairs (8 September 2011)