Shirley Library Engineering Report

Aurecon Shirley Library Quantitative Engineering Evaluation, Page 124 & 125

13. Waipapa Papanui-Innes Community Board Area Report – July 2022
3. Community Support, Governance and Partnership Activity
3.5 Governance Advice

3.5.4 Public Participation
Deputation on Shirley Community Reserve
The Board received a deputation advocating for relocating and upgrading Shirley Library to be part of a community centre suggested to be sited on Shirley Community Reserve.

3.5.6 Board Requests
Shirley Library
Further to receiving the deputation advocating for relocating and upgrading Shirley Library to the Shirley Community Reserve site, the Board requested to see the engineering report for Shirley Library, receiving advice after its last meeting that:
As the building strength is greater than 67%, it is not considered at risk of being earthquake prone.

From an asset, sustainability and lifecycle approach, Shirley Library is currently in good physical condition, having undergone capital works in 2020 and also received works to HVAC systems in 2014.
The building is currently in the first third of its useful life.

Council would not anticipate significant capital works to occur in the next five years based on current condition and data modelling.

There is a programme of funds in the LTP for the portfolio which is allocated to the remainder of the Libraries network.

The primary services delivered from the facility include:
– Library services
– Service Centre
– NZ Post
– Governance

The recent refurbishment works ensure that the facility continues to provide value to the community and remains fit for purpose.

Continued data collection and condition monitoring will be used to help inform future decision making for this site. Physically, the asset is well positioned to respond to how these services are delivered.

The Board inquired about a re-assessment of the building given the passage of time, and related points, and received advice that the engineering assessment (completed by Aurecon) for Shirley Library (which also accommodates the Community Governance Team for the neighbouring Coastal-Burwood Board area, as being located within that area) occurred on 27 May 2013 and was determined to be 68% of the New Building Standard. Two Chartered Engineers undertook a quantitative review of the report from CERA on 6 March 2014, with further Capital works occurring in 2020.

Council’s Senior Manager Facilities and its Technical Advisor, who oversees the Council’s Earthquake-prone buildings, have reviewed the 2013 report and advise there is no need to commission another assessment of the Shirley Library.

The Technical Advisor has advised that the Library is of a Low Risk and not classified as earthquake-prone or at earthquake risk.