CCC 10 Shirley Road Consultation Feedback

PDF: CCC 10 Shirley Road Consultation by Joanna Gould | October 2020

“The Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board wants to hear your ideas and aspirations on the future use of 10 Shirley Road (former Shirley Community Centre site).”
Open for feedback: 18th September 2020 – 12th October 2020

Do you currently use 10 Shirley Road?
How would you like to use 10 Shirley Road?
How can we make the most of the things already at 10 Shirley Road?

Q. How would you like to use 10 Shirley Road?
A. Build a new Shirley Centre. Why?

Civic managed facility, citizen hub, new purpose built/bigger Shirley Library with Learning/Meeting Spaces, located within the Innes Ward, which currently has no suburban Christchurch City Library. At 30 June 2018, there were an estimated 24,700 people living in Innes ward. This was 6.4% of Christchurch City’s population. (

‘Residential feel’ to fit into the neighbourhood & incorporate some heritage design as this location is next to the Dudley Character Area. (

Multifunctional space that can cater for a wide range of “cultural, educational and recreational activities” that bring people from the surrounding communities: Shirley, Mairehau, St Albans, Edgeware & Richmond, together.

Inclusive: day & night opening hours, available 6 or 7 days, adjustable learning/meeting spaces, that can be booked & utilized by everyone, residents can just be in the space (home away from home, communities living room) without having to attend an activity/event.

Accessible: Onsite & street parking, location has bus stops on Shirley Road, multiple bus routes arriving/leaving at regular intervals.

Alternative Waipapa/Papanui Innes Community Board meetings location, so Innes ward residents can have easier access to participate. (

Civic Education: How does the Council work? What are the different Units for? How does the Community Board work? What do the different roles in Council/Community Board do? How do I engage with Council/Community Board? (

CCC “Have Your Say” Consultation info/submission help sessions. (

Civic Defence: Emergency Location, community & home education sessions, emergency help/eco features: solar panels & rainwater harvesting system. (

Justice of the Peace (JP) Clinic: Witness signatures and documents, certify document copies, hear oaths, declarations, affidavits or affirmations as well as sign citizenship, sponsorship or rates rebates applications. (

Citizens Advice Bureau: Help people to know and understand their rights and obligations and how to use this information to get the best outcomes. Satellite clinic? Weekly sessions? (

Centre “Shielded Site”: Tool for victims of abuse to ask for help, without fear of it showing up in their browser’s history or an abusive partner ever seeing it. Send a confidential message through our “Shielded Site” feature. (

NGOs Connect: Connecting residents with local Community Trusts/Support Services/Community Support Workers.

CINCH Connect: Online community directory of clubs, community organisations and continuing education course providers. Outreach to the residents in our communities to introduce themselves. (

Volunteering Canterbury: Whether you are looking to volunteer individually or in a group, in a long-term position or a one-off project, events & training. (

TimeBank: database of local skills that residents can use to find help, a way of trading skills in a community. (

Sustainable “Foodscaping”: In Geneva, Switzerland where communities have worked together, neighbours consult and plan what each will grow so they can share and trade food. (

Appetite for Life: Canterbury based 6 week weight management and healthy lifestyle programme. (

Green Prescription: Funded by the Ministry of Health & managed by Sport Canterbury that supports people to lead active healthy lives. (

Spin Poi: Improving health and wellbeing through spinning poi. We support individuals and organizations across the globe with our evidence-based programs, specializing in improving quality of life for seniors. (

Activities for Older Adults: location for Free Sunday Walks, Walk ‘n’ Talk & Leisure Clubs. (

GenConnect: Technology-oriented intergenerational programmes are a way to breach the generation gap by providing an opportunity for interaction. (

GrandFriends: to match up grandparent-less families with older people, building across generations. (

Human Library: The Human Library® is a bookstore of human beings, to better our understanding of diversity in order to help create more inclusive and cohesive communities across cultural, religious, social and ethnic differences. (

Learning English as a Second Language: connecting families from our local schools (Mairehau High School, Shirley Intermediate School, St Albans School, St Francis of Assisi Catholic School, Mairehau Primary School, Shirley Primary School, Banks Avenue School) in the community. (

Ministry of Awesome “Coffee & Jam” Outreach: Starting point for entrepreneurs, startups, and innovators in Christchurch. Delivering support, guidance, capability training, and networks that entrepreneurs need to succeed. (

Limitless: Equipping for lives of passion & purpose programme, empower every young person to spend time doing work they are passionate about. (

Careers NZ: Plan your career, job profiles, career ideas, cv writing, job hunting, study and training, with help from WINZ Shirley office? (

Drive: Guiding your teen through the learning to drive journey, tools and tips to get your teen confident in the driver’s seat. (

Cycle Safe in the Community: Cycle maintenance and helmet fitting, Basic cycling skills, Road rules, On road cycling, Christchurch cycling groups? (

KiwiAble: Getting more people with a disability involved in sport, recreation and leisure by breaking down barriers to participation. (

Wellbeing Community Education: What is Wellbeing? Wellness Warrant of Fitness, Wellbeing Methods: Yoga, Stress Management, Walking, Posture, Goal Setting, Meal Planning. (

Mental Health Advocacy and Peer Support (MHAPS): Assist people who experience mental distress, mental illness and/or substance addiction through their choice of services towards recovery. (

Reading in Mind: Provides selected books and other resources (e-books, DVDs and CDs) on a wide range of mental health and wellbeing topics. (

StoryWalk: Combines family fun, exercise, and literacy into one great community activity. Installed around the Shirley Community Reserve & along the Dudley Creek Trail? (

Pre-school Activities: Babytimes, Storytimes, Sensory Storytimes, Preschool Outreach, Learning Parties. (

Triple P Positive Parenting Programme: Focuses on positive parenting practices and addresses childhood behaviour problems. (

Shirley Playcentre: Located in the Shirley Community Reserve. Connect new children/families to the area, as the community has become increasingly transient and culturally diverse. Parent cooperative with parents encouraged to be involved in all aspects of the playcentre’s programme and management. (

Learning Through Action: Conservation of water, ecosystems, sustainability of resources, organic waste cycle, biodiversity, impacts of pests, geology, outdoor survival, waste management and native trees and plants. (

Sustainable Christchurch: Sustainable Living for Future Living Skills, Energy Efficient, Grow Your Own Food, Conserve Water, Reduce Your Rubbish, Smarter Homes, Sustainable Transport, Sustainable Communities. (

DogSmart: DogSmart in the Community, DogSafe Workplace Training, Reading to Dogs. (

After School Activities: 3D Printing, Lego Mindstorms, Lego Stop-Motion, Studio Time, Minecraft Club, STEAM Lab. Science Alive? (

Code Club: Code Club Aotearoa: A nationwide network of free volunteer-led coding clubs for kiwi kids. Code Club for Adults?. (

KidsFest Event Provider: Location for KidsFest activities & events, during the winter school holidays. (

Resident Initiated Groups: Opportunity for residents to create groups based on interests with like minded people. Location for online Facebook group meetups in person.

“The public library is the one place, potentially the only civic place, where people are welcome to come no matter their background, their politics, their beliefs. People who are disenfranchised, have mobility issues, are socially isolated, the very old and the very young, it can be the only comfortable place to be – and their ideas are welcome.”
“We are becoming a bastion of wellbeing and welcome for people,” says Kat Cuttriss​, Hutt City Libraries manager and chair of Public Libraries of New Zealand.

“Urban planners seeking to stabilize neighborhoods are focusing on the critical role that “third places” can play in strengthening our sense of community. Third places have a number of important community-building attributes. Depending on their location, social classes and backgrounds can be “leveled-out” in ways that are unfortunately rare these days, with people feeling they are treated as social equals. Informal conversation is the main activity and most important linking function. One commentator refers to third places as the “living room” of society.
Many city planning efforts to reinvigorate metropolitan neighborhoods now include specific steps to create third places, especially public spaces, to try and break down social siloes.”

“Libraries are not the kinds of institutions that most social scientists, policymakers, and community leaders usually bring up when they discuss social capital and how to build it. But they offer something for everyone, regardless of whether they’re a citizen, a permanent resident, or even a convicted felon – and all of it for free. Doing research in New York City, I learned that libraries and their social infrastructure are essential not only for a neighborhood’s vitality but also for buffering all kinds of personal problems – including isolation and loneliness…Social infrastructure provides the setting and context for social participation, and the library is among the most critical forms of social infrastructure that we have. It’s also one of the most undervalued…Our communities are full of children whose future, will be formed in the places where they go to learn about themselves and the world they’ll inherit. They deserve palaces. Whether they get them is up to us.”
Palaces for the People: How To Build a More Equal and United Society by Eric Klinenberg

CCC Draft Annual Plan 2020-2021 Feedback

PDF: CCC Draft Annual Plan 2020 by Joanna Gould | April 2020

“To truly address these 21st-century problems, our society needs 21st-century solutions. We need to build a new civic infrastructure—one where fairness, justice, and economic and educational opportunity prevail, and where all people are engaged as stakeholders in civic and community life. We all have a stake in creating the strongest possible foundation for the greatest possible participation of ordinary people in civic life. It is time to build a 21st-century civic infrastructure—one that supports the permanent capacity for community change and equality of opportunity. When we build it, all can come.”

Two years ago I wrote this post, after creating my website, “to collate my research and ideas for my submission to the Christchurch City Council 2018 Long Term Plan, for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre, 10 Shirley Road, Christchurch.”

Since then I have gone on to create my website, which includes research/ideas for the & my website, which includes research/ideas for the

The above .pdf is my feedback for the “CCC Draft Annual Plan 2020-2021”, which covers my research/ideas/suggestions for the Christchurch City Council, especially at this time while in COVID-19 lockdown, to help support individual/social well-being & civic infrastructure in Christchurch moving forward. (Page 12: CCC Draft Annual Plan 2020-2021 | Suggestions)

Page 3-5 of the .pdf highlights parts of the Canterbury Wellbeing Index & how I see the Government/Council/NGOs could share resources & use civic infrastructure to address well-being & social issues in our communities.

Page 6 of the .pdf highlights the different well-being models, our 1st place (home)/2nd place (work)/3rd place (social), opportunities in our social places for connections & networks, opportunities for the Government/Council/NGOs to work together in our civic facilities to provide community education for all.

I see the following gaps in the Christchurch Community Facilities Network Plan: Page 9-12 of the .pdf, that could provide opportunities for community education to all Christchurch residents:

Shirley Centre: Page 7 & 8 of the .pdf, inclusive centre at 10 Shirley Road, library with learning spaces, available for anyone in the community to use. (

Sutton’s Place: arts/crafts community with learning spaces for local/overseas teachers to provide classes/workshops/retreats, opportunity to learn about W. A. (Bill) Sutton and his teaching/artworks and house/garden. (

Māori Heritage Park: indoor/outdoor learning spaces for Māori architecture/arts/crafts, opportunities to learn about the Māori language/culture/stories/legends and Elsie Locke’s life, writing & her legacy to Christchurch. (

River Bank Centre: research/design/technology hub with learning spaces to inspire/educate with STEAM, opportunity to see startup/innovation businesses and to learn about Richard Bedward Owen and why he was called ‘River Bank’ Owen. (

These centres are based on the link between creativity and well-being, and could address: occupational health, social health, mental health, emotional health, & environmental health, in collaboration with the Govt Ministry’s (Health, Education, Social Development, Tourism etc.)/Christchurch City Council/NGOs.

Just as we have seen the exponential growth of one person infected with the COVID-19 virus, I can see the positive ripple affect one person can have in their home/work/social places if the Government/Council/NGOs work together to provide community education in our civic facilities throughout NZ.

CCC Shirley Community Reserve Feedback

Do you support the landscape plan for the Shirley Community Reserve pump track and multi-use concrete table?: No
Do you have any comments on the plan?: I do support Shannon’s request for a permanent pump track to be located within MacFarlane Park, which is why I got involved and emailed the Papanui-Innes Community Board.
I do not support the landscape plan or the proposed temporary “modular” pump track being purchased/installed on 10 Shirley Road.

Petition: Shirley Primary School students asked for a skate park in MacFarlane Park, not Richmond. Shirley residents have been asking the Papanui-Innes Board since 2001 for this facility, and up until now their requests have been ignored.
After the Board’s decision to accept the Council report, the student who presented the petition was quoted in the local newspaper: “temporary [modular] pump track is not the option he wants”.

Consultation: This consultation does not address the issue: that Shirley will still have no local skate facilities, for local children who are unable to travel outside of their neighbourhood. (1)
The consultation info asks two leading questions for a desired outcome, and doesn’t include any info regarding the actual location (Shirley Community Reserve = 10 Shirley Road, former Shirley Community Centre), costs, or noise/safety issues, so residents can make an informed decision.

Location: Shirley Community Reserve is in Richmond. The reserve does not have toilets. The closest toilets are at Jebson Street, by the flying fox at MacFarlane Park South Playground. This location is also where I suggested a permanent track could be made by adapting the path that goes around the flying fox. It is also the location of the Shirley Community Garden, and the main thoroughfare for Shirley children walking to and from Shirley Primary School. (2)

Type of Track: “Project Brief: Tracks can be permanent or modular design. In this case a modular design is preferred allowing for future relocation.” (3)
The Board has the opportunity to finally provide Shirley children with a permanent skate facility in their local MacFarlane Park, but the original Council report was based on a “modular” pump track design only.
“A location near Jebson Street beside the flying fox, toilets and Shirley Community Gardens was also considered, however, this has a separation of 25m between residents and the [modular] pump track. Further noise information would be required if this site was preferred over the site near Emmett Street.” (4)

Noise Issues: “The Environmental Health team have recommended that Council engage an independent noise engineer to test a modular pump track at Burwood and use readings to suggest a suitable distance [40m] between the proposed [modular] pump track and residents to ensure compliance with the District Plan.” (3)
I accept that the proposed “modular” pump track cannot be located in MacFarlane Park, Shirley, due to the above noise issues/setback required, relating to the 11 modular track section joins.
But a permanent track is basically a very bumpy asphalt footpath and wouldn’t have the same restrictions/setback requirements. Noise from the flying fox hasn’t been an issue, so why would there be a problem with noise from a permanent track?

Safety Issues: “Motorists running red lights on a signalised pedestrian crossing Shirley Rd [between Shirley Community Reserve and Shirley Primary School] have posed a major threat to pupils.” (5)
The Board has been aware of safety issues with the lights/crossing on Shirley Road since 2017, when I emailed my concerns/suggestions (which included delaying the pedestrian crossing signal change phase).
Local children in Shirley know there is an “invisible boundary line”, they are free to play unsupervised, as long as they don’t cross the major roads and stay within MacFarlane Park.
The proposed pump track will be mainly used after school and on the weekends, when the crossing lights (red light runners) from Shirley Primary to 10 Shirley Road, will not be supervised by a teacher.
If the proposed location is approved by the Board, Shirley children will be forced to cross a busy main road, Shirley Road, with known safety issues.

Environmental Issues: “[Christchurch City Council] have declared climate change emergencies and pledged to take urgent action to reduce their carbon emissions.” (6)
The Board is considering purchasing a “modular” pump track which is imported from overseas. The local businesses that created the #detour Gap Filler project on Manchester Street, could create a permanent skate track in MacFarlane Park, less expensive and less carbon emissions.

Shirley Community: “An east Christchurch suburb overlooked since the earthquakes is close to breaking point, community leaders say. Papanui-Innes Community Board chairwoman Ali Jones told a council submissions hearing on Monday Shirley was in dire need of new community facilities, but had been largely left out of the Christchurch City Council’s draft 10-year budget. “Our ward has been forgotten in many ways, particularly the Shirley area – an area that is in the east but not in the east we hear so much about.” “The community is close to breaking point. They need a place to meet, to gather, to mend.” (7) 30th April 2018

Papanui-Innes Community Board Plan 2017-2019:
“Strong Communities | Board Priorities: (for the next two years) Develop a ten year plan for the area at 10 Shirley Road for community use. The plan will be considered in the Long Term Plan. The rebuild of a community centre on the land at 10 Shirley Road is designed and commenced.
Strong Communities | We will measure our success by: Development of a ten year plan for the area at 10 Shirley Road and consideration in the Long Term Plan. This may include, among other items, a children’s playground, community gardens and a community centre. A community board community working party commencing to work with technical staff to design and begin the rebuild of a community facility at 10 Shirley Road.
Prosperous economy | Board Priorities: (for the next two years) Successful rebuild of the 10 Shirley Road.
Prosperous economy | We will measure our success by: Commencement of the rebuild of the 10 Shirley Road Community Centre.” (8)

As a community we need to ask ourselves whether we want temporary facilities as part of our children’s childhood memories?
Or whether we should be investing in building permanent facilities? Facilities that enliven our community, and rise up a sense of identity and well-being through the memories created, when our children connect with our community spaces.

(2) MacFarlane Park South Playground
(3) 2018/19 Capital Endowment Fund Application Decision Matrix:
(4) Modular Pump Track Shirley Report:

Where would you prefer the multi-use table to be located?: Other location (please describe below)
Comments – Please be as specific as possible: There has been much debate online and in the local papers questioning the cost and safety issues (concrete table near playground, wayward ping pong balls near a busy main road) of this proposed multi-use table.
Since these debates, a wooden picnic table has been anonymously placed in the Shirley Community Reserve.
The seating/picnic table that the resident original asked the Board for, has been kindly donated by someone in our community.
There is no need to purchase this concrete multi-use table and concrete seating.